Robots A leading edge lineup that meets diverse need.From compact robots slim, fast manipulator, to leading-edge 7-axis robots that defy conventional welding wisdom, we meet diverse customer needs with a line of diverse manipulators. Robots A leading edge lineup that meets diverse need.From compact robots slim, fast manipulator, to leading-edge 7-axis robots that defy conventional welding wisdom, we meet diverse customer needs with a line of diverse manipulators.

Select product

  • Low payload(3~8kg)

    1. FD-B6
    2. FD-V8
    3. FD-B6L
    4. FD-V8L
    1. FD-H5
    FD-V6 Manipulator specs

    Manipulator specsLow payload(3~8kg)

    • 1
    • 2
    •   FD-B6 FD-V8 FD-B6L FD-V8L
      Type NB6 NV8 NB6L NV8L
      Number of Axes 6 6 6 6
      Maximum pay load capacity 6kg 8kg 6kg 8kg
      Positional Repeatability ±0.08mm ±0.08mm 士0.08mm 士0.08mm
      Drive capacity 3132W 3016W 4832W 5000W
      Arm J1 ±170°(±50°) ±170° (±50°) 士170°(士50°) ±170° (±50°)
      J2 –155°〜+90° –155°〜+90° -155°〜+100° -155°〜+100°
      J3 –170°〜+245° –170°〜+190° -170°〜+190° -170°〜+260°
      Wrist J4 ±155° ±180° ±土155°(土170°) 士180°
      J5 –45°〜+225° –50°〜+230° -45°〜+225°(注5) -50°〜+230°
      J6 ±205° ±360° 士205°(士360°) 士360°
    •   FD-H5
      Type NH5
      Number of Axes
      Maximum pay load capacity 5kg
      Positional Repeatability ±0.05mm
      Drive capacity 1440W
      Arm J1 ±170°
      J2 –125°〜+90°
      J3 –140°〜+245°
      Wrist J4 ±190°
      J5 –30°〜+210°
      J6 ±360°
  • Medium payload(15~25kg)

    1. FD-V25
    2. FD-V25L
    3. FD-B26
    FD-B15 Manipulator specs

    Manipulator specsMedium payload(15~25kg)

    •   FD-V25 FD-V25L FD-B26
      Type NV25 NV25L NB26
      Number of Axes 6 6 6
      Maximum pay load capacity 25kg 25kg 26kg
      Positional Repeatability 士0.07mm 士0.07mm 士0.04mm
      Drive capacity 5600W 11,500W 5800W
      Arm J1 土170°(土50°) 土180° 土170°(土50°)
      J2 -155°〜+100° -155°〜+90° -155°〜+100°
      J3 -170°〜+260° -180°〜+250° -170°〜+250°
      Wrist J4 土180° 土180° 土170°(土155°)
      J5 -50°〜+230° -50°〜+230° -45°〜+225°
      J6 土360° 土360° 土360° (土205°)
  • High payload(50~210kg)

    1. FD-V50
    2. FD-V80/V100/V130
    3. FD-B100
    4. FD-V166
    5. FD-V210
    FD-V50 Manipulator specs

    Manipulator specsHigh payload(50~210kg)

    •   FD-V50 FD-V80 FD-V100 FD-V130 FD-B100 FD-V166 FD-V210
      Type NV50 NV80 NV100 NV130 NB100 NV166 NV210
      Number of Axes 6 6
      Maximum pay load capacity 50kg (注) 80kg 100kg 130kg 100kg 166kg 210kg
      Positional Repeatability ±0.07mm ±0.08mm (注1) ±0.08mm (注1) ±0.1mm (注1) ±0.15mm (注1)
      Drive capacity 14750W 15kW 16kW 18kW
      Arm J1 ±165° ±180° ±180°
      J2 +80°~-135° –155°〜+90° –155°〜+90° –80°〜+60°
      J3 +260°~-146° –185°〜+220° –185°〜+170° –146.5°〜+150°
      Wrist J4 ±360° ±360° ±210°
      J5 ±125° –35°〜+215° –35°〜+215° ±135° ±130°
      J6 ±450° ±360° ±210°
  • 7-axis robot

    1. FD-BT6
    2. FD-BT6L
    3. FD-VT8
    4. FD-VT8L
    5. FD-VT20
    Manipulator specs FD-BT6

    Manipulator specs7-axis robot

    •   FD-BT6 FD-BT6L FD-VT8 FD-VT8L FD-VT20
      Structure Vertical articulated type Vertical articulated type Vertical articulated type Vertical articulated type Vertical articulated type
      Number of Axes 7 7 7 7 7
      Maximum pay load capacity 6kg 6kg 8kg 8kg 20kg
      Positional Repeatability ±0.05mm ±0.06mm ±0.05mm ±0.06mm ±0.06mm
      Drive method AC servo motor AC servo motor AC servo motor AC servo motor AC servo motor
      Drive capacity 3550W 5650W 3600W 6000W 6600W
      Position feedback Absolute encoder Absolute encoder Absolute encoder Absolute encoder Absolute encoder
      Arm J1 ±170° ±170° ±170° ±170° ±170°
      J2 –145°〜+70° –145°〜+75° –145°〜+70° –145°〜+75° –145°〜+75°
      J7 ±90° ±90° ±90° ±90° ±90°
      J3 –170°〜+142.6° –170°〜+154° –170°〜+149° –170°〜+160° –170°〜+160°
      Wrist J4 ±155° ±155° ±180° ±180° ±180°
      J5 –45°〜+225° –45°〜+225° –50°〜+230° –50°〜+230° –50°〜+230°
      J6 ±205° ±205° ±360° ±360° ±360°
  • Heavy payload robot

    1. FD-V280L
    2. FD-V350
    3. FD-V400L
    4. FD-V600
    5. FD-V700
    Manipulator specs FD-V280L

    Manipulator specsHigh-accuracy robot

    •   FD-V280L FD-V350 FD-V400L FD-V600 FD-V700
      Type NV280L NV350 NV400L NV600 NV700
      Number of Axes 6 6 6 6 6
      Maximum pay load capacity 25kg(注1) 50kg(注1) 50kg(注1) 50kg(注1) 25kg(注1)
      Positional Repeatability ±0.2mm ±0.2mm ±0.3mm ±0.3mm ±0.3mm
      Drive capacity 30kW 27kW
      Arm J1 ±180° ±180° ±180° ±180° ±180°
      J2 -100°〜+40° -100°〜+40° -105°〜+60° -105°〜+60°° -105°〜+60°
      J3 -147°〜+130° -180°〜+130° -130°〜+30° -140°〜+30° -140°〜+30°°
      Wrist J4 ±360° ±360° ±210° ±210°° ±210°
      J5 ±125° ±125° ±120° ±120° ±120°
      J6 ±360° ±360° ±210°(±360°)(注2)
  • High-accuracy robot

    1. FD-A20
    Manipulator specs FD-A20

    Manipulator specsHigh-accuracy robot

    •   FD-A20
      Type NA20
      Number of Axes 6
      Maximum pay load capacity 20kg
      Positional Repeatability ±0.07mm
      Drive capacity 7900W
      Arm J1 ±170°
      J2 –70°〜+60°
      J3 –140°〜+240
      Wrist J4 ±180°
      J5 –50°〜+230°
      J6 ±360°
  • Collaborative Robot

    1. FD-VC4
    2. Collaborative Robot
      Bogie Package
    Manipulator specs FD-VC4

    Manipulator specsCollaborative Robot

    •   FD-VC4
      Type NVC4
      Number of Axes 6
      Maximum pay load capacity 37kg
      Positional Repeatability ±0.03mm
      Drive capacity 800W
      Arm J1 ±170°
      J2 –155°〜+90°
      J3 –155°〜+180°
      Wrist J4 ±170°
      J5 –30°〜+210°
      J6 ±360°
  • Robot controller

    1. FD19
  • Wafer Transfer Robot

    1. Wafer Transfer Robot

From compact robots slim, fast manipulator――
to leading-edge 7-axis robots that defy conventional welding wisdom, we meet diverse customer needs with a line of diverse manipulators.

Select product

Low payload(3~8kg)

  1. FD-B6
  2. FD-V8
  3. FD-B6L
  4. FD-V8L
  5. FD-H5

Medium payload(15~25kg)

  1. FD-V25
  2. FD-V25L
  3. FD-B26

High payload(50~210kg)

  1. FD-V50
  2. FD-V80/V100/V130
  3. FD-B100
  4. FD-V166
  5. FD-V210

7-axis robot

  1. FD-BT6
  2. FD-BT6L
  3. FD-VT8
  4. FD-VT8L
  5. FD-VT20

Heavy payload robot

  1. FD-V280L
  2. FD-V350
  3. FD-V400L
  4. FD-V600
  5. FD-V700

High-accuracy robot

  1. FD-A20

Collaborative Robot

  1. FD-VC4

Wafer Transfer Robot

  1. Wafer Transfer Robot

Flat Panel Transfer Robot

  1. Flat Panel Transfer Robot

Cleanroom transfer robot

  • In a flat-panel display (FDP) manufacturing process, it is important to accurately transport large panels at high speeds. To accomplish this, Daihen uses a light-weight, rigid arm perfected via structural analysis to meet the application demands. High speed and stable operation are achieved by optimizing the motor and control system. Heat resistance of our design; required for high temperature operations such as chemical vapor deposition (CVD); is assured by extensive thermal distribution analysis.

  • Features

    Power saving

    Standby power consumption is
    reduced by approx. 50%

    Maintenance saving

    Number of parts is reduced
    by approx. 30%

    Space saving

    Cubic volume reduced by 20%
    (Compared to conventional equipment)